TV3 never heard of the internet

February 19, 2008 at 2:21 pm | Posted in Online Journalism | Leave a comment
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When we think of “Breaking News” in an Irish context, the only real viable options are the interent & radio (to a lesser extent). There is no TV alternative-unless you want to wait hours for the 5:30/6:00 News at which time the information would be well out-of-date! The first websites that come to my mind in a Breaking News context are ( & RTE News ( One Irish website which has nothing to offer us in a news (or any other) context is TV3 (…. what a joke! Since it is the only real TV news alternative to RTE, I really think TV3 should have a news section on its website; especially since the TV3 team go out & get the news anyway. You may aswell put it on the net since it’s there & you have it. Time to get with the 21st century….get online!

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