Ok, TV3 knows the net from May…

February 22, 2008 at 1:12 pm | Posted in Online Journalism | Leave a comment
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Just got back from a visit to TV3 studios & I really enjoyed it. Was interesting, people were really nice…but the studio space itself was REALLY small (abit of a let-down to be honest). Anyway, the head of TV3 Special Programming, Philippe Brodeur, told me that TV3 is planning to launch an on-line alternative to RTE from this summer (presumably around May). Brodeur also said he’s not sure what format the News website will take (based on RTE, MSNBC, CNN, etc); but he did say he particularly likes what NBC Nightly News (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/#23279949) has done-he called it a ‘sexy’ website. He also added that he wants to get the news up on the web but is particularly fond of having video content up on the website, since people are now choosing to watch the news online as well as read it. I would definetly agree with that! Well, we’ll see. But whatever happens, we will finally have a full alternative to RTE…& not just on television. 

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